A rendering by KCBA Architects of the new Parkland Elementary School to be located in Upper Macungie Township. (CONTRIBUTED/KCBA ARCHITECTS & THE MORNING CALL)
Albarell is proud to announce we have been selected as the Electrical Contractor of choice for the Parkland Elementary School project. The new elementary school will be named The Veterans Memorial Elementary School by the Jaindl Family, who graciously donated the land for the project.
This 35 million dollar electrical project is being managed by Alvin H. Butz , following designs provided by KCBA Architects, a Hatfield, Pa. – based firm.
“We are so blessed and excited to be selected as part of this winning team”, says Michael Conkey, president of Albarell Electric. “We have worked closely with the majority of the selected contractors in the past, in particular, under the guidance of Alvin H. Butz., and we know a winning team when we see one.”
Albarell Electric will provide all electrical services for the facility including all Telecommunications Systems, Security Systems, Cameras and Fire Alarms.
“Security Systems and Cameras are of utmost importance to the school district, and Albarell is taking this need very seriously.” says Conkey.
According to the Morning Call, meetings held by the school board under the leadership of Superintendent Richard Sniscak have placed a high importance on the security system, keeping in mind the latest victims of violence at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
“Albarell understands the need and is dedicated to ensure the electrical groundwork for the security system and cameras perform exactly to specifications of what the engineers have designed.”, says Conkey.
For more information on this project, visit the Morning Call website at: www.mcall.com